The Devil Wears Prada
Biografie The Devil Wears Prada
The Devil Wears Prada este o formatie de metalcore crestin din Dayton, Ohio. Trupa s-a infiintat in 2005 si in prezent are un contract cu casa de discuri Ferret Records.
Componenta trupei este urmatoarea:
Mike Hranica – voce
Jeremy DePoyster – chitara
James Baney – clape
Andy Trick – bass
Daniel Williams – tobe
Chris Rubey – chitara ...Toata biografia The Devil Wears Prada
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Stiri cu The Devil Wears Prada
The Devil Wears Prada au lansat videoclipul piesei 'Daughter'
Piesa 'Daughter' este extrasa de pe noul album al formatiei care va fi lansat la finele anului via Rise Records. The Devil Wears Prada vor pleca in turneu cu un nou tobar, dupa ce Guiseppe Antonio Capolupo l-a inlocuit in spatele cinelelor pe Daniel Williams.
The Devil Wears Prada - First Sight (videoclip nou)
The Devil Wears Prada au lansat pe data de 17 Septembrie cel de-al 5-lea album de studio - "8:18" , iar acum revin cu un videoclip pentru piesa "First Sight". Regia videoclipului este semnata de Maria Juranic.
The Devil Wears Prada - 8:18 (album streaming)
Incepand de astazi puteti asculta la streaming gratuit noul album al celor de la The Devil Wears Prada. Intitulat simplu "8:18" , noul material va fi lansat oficial pe data de 17 Septembrie via Roadrunner Records. "8:18" este cel de-al 5-lea album din discografia The Devil...
The Devil Wears Prada intra in studio
Grupul american The Devil Wears Prada va intra in studio in data de 22 aprilie alaturi de producatorul Matt Goldman pentru a inregistra un nou album ce va fi lansat spre finele acestui an via Roadrunner Records. Chitaristul Adam Dutkiewicz (Killswitch Engage) va activa in acest proiect ca producator executiv....
Devil Wears Prada: Noul album va fi mai intunecat
Solistul Mike Hranica de la The Devil Wears Prada a vorbit intr-un interviu acordat de curand despre viitorul album al trupei. Printre altele, acesta a declarat: "Chris este cel care vin cu riff-urile si ce se intampla acum este necrutator. De cand James a parasit trupa, sunt incantat de felul in care...
Videoclipuri The Devil Wears Prada
Top Versuri The Devil Wears Prada
Danger Wildman
Assistant To The Regional Manager
Born To Lose
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords The Devil Wears Prada
- Assistant To The Regional Manager Tab
- Dez Moines Tab
- Louder Than Thunder Tab
- Big Wiggly Style Tab
- Ben Has A Kid Tab
- Wapakalypse Tab
- You Cant Spell Crap Withough C Intro Tab
- Gaunlet Of Solitude Intro Tab
- Big Wiggly Style ver2 Tab
- Danger Wildman Intro Tab
- Lord Xenu Tab
- Sassafras Tab
- Reptar King Of The Ozone Tab
- Dogs Can Grow Beards All OverBass Tab
- I Hate Buffering Tab
- Modeify The Pronunciation Bass Tab
- Texas Is South Tab
- Html Rulez D00d (ver2) Tab
- With Roots Above And Branches Below Album Tab
- Texas Is South Bass Tab
- And The Sentence Trails Off (ver2) Tab
- Hey John Whats Your Name Again (ver2) Tab
- Hey John Whats Your Name Again Tab
- Html Rulez D00d Tab
- Gauntlet Of Solitude Tab
- Html Rulez D00d (ver3) Tab
- Gauntlet Of Solitude Intro Tab
- Texas Is South (ver2) Bass Tab
- Goats On A Boat Tab
- Gauntlet Of Solitude Intro (ver3) Tab
- Rosemary Had An Accident Tab
- Nickels Is Money Too Tab
- Dogs Can Grow Beards All OverTab
- Gauntlet Of Solitude Intro (ver2) Tab
- Cant Spell Crap Without C Tab
- Swords Dragons And Diet Coke Tab
- Goats On A Boat (ver3) Tab
- Scorpion Deathlock Tab
- Modify The Pronounciation Tab
- Ben Has A Kid ver3 Tab
- Escape Tab
- Gauntlet Of Solitude Intro (ver4) Tab
- Modeify The Prenounciation Tab
- Still Fly ver4 Tab
- Dont Dink And Drance Tab
- And The Sentence Trails Off Tab
- You Cant Spell Crap Without C ver3 Tab
- Patterns Of A Horizon Album Tab
- Revive Tab
- Escape Tab