The Doors
Stiluri: Psychedelic
Biografie The Doors
Trupa americana The Doors s-a format in 1965 in Los Angeles. Ideea infiintarii trupei i-a apartinut initial solistului Jim Morrison (James Douglas Morrison), care l-a intalnit in 1965 pe Ray Manzarek, la acea vreme clapar in formatia Rick And The Ravens.
Cei doi au infiintat Ther Doors, numele fiind luat din titlul cartii lui Aldous Huxley, The Doors Of Perception, care la randul sau il luase dintr-un vers al poetului William Blake. La scut timp sunt cooptati Krieger si Densmore.
LP-ul intitulat The Doors este inregistrat in august 1966 si apare in ianuarie 1967. Acesta include si piesa dramatica The End.
Break on Through (To the Other Side) este primul single de pe acest material, urmat de Light My Fire, care imediat dupa lansare devine un hit, aducandu-i pe The Doors in aceeasi categorie muzicala in care se aflau Jefferson Airplane si The Grateful Dead.
Inca de la inceput, personalitatea controversata a solistului Jim Morrison, care refuza sa faca acele......Toata biografia The Doors
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Stiri cu The Doors
The Doors se reunesc cu Krist Novoselic de la Nirvana
Membrii The Doors se vor reuni pentru un concert caritabil ce va avea loc in Los Angeles. Lui John Densmore si Robby Krieger le se va alatura basistul Nirvana, Krist Novoselic. Formatia nu va avea un vocalist, piesele urmand sa fie cantate de diferiti artisti. Pana acum printre acestia se vor numara Dave...
Jean de Breteuil, ucigasul lui Jim Morrison?
Dupa mai bine de 40 de ani de la moartea artistului, o noua ipoteza a fost lansata vizavi de modul in care solistul The Doors si-a pierdut viata. Marianne Faithfull, cantareata si fost model, a lansat noi informatii pe marginea acestui subiect, cu putin inainte de aparitia noului sau album -...
3 iulie - o zi trista pentru rock
In urma cu 43 de ani, la data de 3 iulie 1971, Jim Morrison - solistul trupei The Doors - a decedat, cel mai probabil in urma unei supradoze de heroina. Ca in fiecare an, la mormantul artistului din cimitirul Pere Lachaise Cemetery din Paris, se vor aduna cativa zeci de fani pentru a-l omagia pe unul...
Reuniune a ultimilor membri The Doors ramasi in viata
Robby Krieger si John Densmore au sustinut un recital surpriza la unul din monumentele dedicate lui Jim Morrison. Din declaratiile celor doi, acest eveniment nu va fi singurul din viitorul apropiat. Desi cei doi nu si-au vorbit de aproape un deceniu, ideea unei colaborari a aparut imediat dupa moartea claparului...
R-Evolution, un nou DVD cu filmari din arhivele The Doors
Un documentar-biografie ce cuprinde aproape toate aparitiile The Doors la Radio/TV, filmari needitate adunate din arhive personale, precum varianta color a cantecului Hello, I Love You (de la o televiziune germana), L.A. Woman (Director''s Cut) - "scurt-metraj" din 1985, plus...
Videoclipuri The Doors
- The End - clip Apocalypse Now
- The Doors - Light My Fire
- The Doors - Touch Me
- The Doors - Love Me Two Times
- The Doors - LA Woman
- The Doors - Roadhouse Blues
- The Doors - Riders On the Storm
- The Doors - The End
- The Doors - The End V2
- The Doors - The End V3
- The Doors - People Are Strange
- The Doors - Moonlight Drive
- The Doors - Alabama Song Backdoor man Wishful sinful
- The Doors - 10 Minute Interview 1969
- The Doors - Unknown soldier
- The Doors - Unknown soldier
- The Doors - Break On Through
- The Doors - Wild Child
- The Doors - Waiting For The Sun
- The Doors - Hello, I Love You
Muzica The Doors
Top Versuri The Doors
02. Who Do You Love?
05. L.A. Woman
03. Alabama Song (Whiskey Bar)
01. Break on Through To the Other Side
Riders on the Storm
11. The End
01. Get Up and Dance
06. Light My Fire
When the Music Is Over
01. Tell All the People
01. House Announcer
09. Close to You
07. People Are Strange
02. Touch Me
05. Easy Ride
01. Roadhouse Blues
01. Hello, I Love You
04. Hardwood Floor
03. Been Down So Long
I m Horny I m Stoned
09. The Peking King and the New York Queen
02. Love Her Madly
08. It Slipped My Mind
08. My Wild Love
02. Love Street
09. End of the Night
05. Alabama Song (Whisky Bar)
03. The Crystal Ship
Summers Almost Gone
06. Wild Child
L America
03. Verdilac
05. Good Rockin
16. A Little Game
09. The WASP (Texas Radio and the Big Beat)
06. The Mosquito
04. Do It
17. The Hill Dwellers
14. Lions in the Street
05. Love Hides
07. Hyacinth House
07. The Piano Bird
05. Wintertime Love
02. 4 Billion Souls
20. The Palace of Exile
19. Names of the Kingdom
13. Break on Through (To the Other Side) No. 2/Celebration of the Lizard
02. Waiting for the Sun
08. Crawling King Snake
21. Soul Kitchen
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords The Doors
- Light My Fire Live Solo Tab
- Twentieth Century Fox Chords
- People Are Strange Tab
- Soul Kitchen Tab
- Who Scared You Tab
- The End Tab
- Riders On The Storm Chords
- Light My Fire Tab
- Shamans Blues Solo Tab
- Touch Me Chords
- Break On Through (ver4) Tab
- Spanish Caravan Tab
- The Wasp Chords
- Roadhouse Blues Bass Tab
- Youre Lost Little Girl Chords
- The End Chords
- Five To One Chords
- Wishful Sinful Chords
- Roadhouse Blues (ver7) Tab
- People Are Strange Chords
- Severed Garden Solo Tab
- Tell All The People Tab
- Gloria Chords
- The Crystal Ship Chords
- Alabama Song Chords
- Riders On The Storm Acoustic Tab
- Roadhouse Blues Tab
- Blue Sunday Bass Tab
- Spanish Caravan Intro Tab
- Wild Child (ver3) Bass Tab
- Awake Tab
- Youre Lost Little Girl (ver3) Bass Tab
- Wintertime Love Chords
- You Make Me Real Chords
- Waiting For The Sun Chords
- Youre Lost Little Girl Bass Tab
- Youre Lost Little Girl Tab
- When The Musics OverChords
- Wild Child Tab
- You Make Me Real Bass Tab
- The Soft Parade Bass Tab
- The Soft Parade Tab
- Roadhouse Blues (ver2) Tab
- Break On Through Tab
- Wild Child Chords
- Riders On The Storm Bass Tab
- Spy Intro Tab
- Love Me 2 Times Tab
- The Unknown Soldier Chords
- My Wild Love Chords