The Raconteurs
Stiluri: Indie
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Stiri cu The Raconteurs
Ordin de restrictie pentru solistul Jack White
Solistul trupei The Raconteours, cunoscut ca jumatatea The White Stripes (trupa destramata in 2011), a primit ordin de restrictie din partea fostei sale sotii, Karen Elson. Cei doi s-au casatorit in 2005, divortand cativa ani mai tarziu, in 2011. La acea data, se pare ca modelul de origine britanica a dat o...
Josh Homme si Beck apar pe un nou album de remixuri Jack White
Josh Homme de la Queens Of The Stone age, Beck si Mark Lanegan au remixat un set de piese de la The White Stripes si The Raconteurs pentru cea mai noua colectie de remixuri pe care Jack White o va lansa sub Third Man Records. Pachetul include 'The Hardest Button To Button' (Beck remix) si piesa The Dead Weather...
The Raconteurs sustin primul concert dupa o pauza de doi ani
The Raconteurs, trupa formata din Jack White si Brendan Benson, vor canta pentru prima data din 2009 incoace, ca headlineri ai unui festival american in aer liber. The Raconteurs s-au format in 2005 si au lansat albumul de debuyt, " Broken Boy Soldiers " in 2006. "Nu stiu cand vom mai fi...
Videoclipuri The Raconteurs
Top Versuri The Raconteurs
Steady As She Goes
Call It A Day
Blue Veins
Broken Boy Soldier
Yellow Sun
Store Bought Bones
You Don't Understand Me
Steady As She Goes
You Dont Understand Me
Intimate Secretary
Hold Up
Broken Boy Soldier
Yellow Sun
Blue Veins
Store Bought Bones
Call It A Day
Steady, As She Goes
Intimate Secretary
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords The Raconteurs
- Many Shades Of Black Chords
- Together (ver2) Chords
- Together Chords
- Steady As She Goes Chords
- Bang Bang Tab
- Steady As She Goes Bass Tab
- Level Bass Tab
- Blue Veins Tab
- Steady As She Goes (ver2) Bass Tab
- Together Tab
- Consolers Of The Lonely Intro Tab
- Hands (ver2) Chords
- Consolers Of The Lonely ver5 Tab
- Steady As She Goes (ver2) Tab
- Steady As She Goes (ver7) Tab
- Level Solo Tab
- Intimate Secretary Tab
- Floating Tab
- Steady As She Goes Tab
- Headin For Texas (ver2) Tab
- Floating (ver2) Tab
- Level (ver2) Bass Tab
- Bane Rendition Tab
- 5 On The 5 Tab
- Level Tab
- Store Bought Bones Intro Tab
- Steady As She Goes (ver3) Tab
- Blue Veins Bass Tab
- Steady As She Goes (ver4) Tab
- Intimate Secretary Live Tab
- Broken Boy Soldier (ver4) Tab
- It Aint Easy (ver2) Tab
- Yellow Sun (ver2) Tab
- Yellow Sun Tab
- Together Live Tab
- Yellow Sun Bass Tab
- Headin For Texas Chords
- Bang Bang (ver2) Tab
- Steady As She Goes (ver6) Tab
- Headin For Texas Tab
- Store Bought Bones Bass Tab
- Broken Boy Soldier Tab
- Yellow Sun Chords
- Call It A Day Chords
- Store Bought Bones Tab
- Blue Veins (ver2) Tab
- Level Chords
- Many Shades Of Black ver3 Tab
- Store Bought Bones Solo Tab
- Blackjack Illywhack Tab