The Red Chord
Artisti cu stiluri similare: Sepultura
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Stiri cu The Red Chord
Solistul The Red Chord a devenit politist (foto)
Guy Kozowyk, solistul grupului american The Red Chord, a devenit ofiter de politie in cadrul fortelor din Manchester, New Hampshire Kozowyk, in varsta de 32 de ani, este absolvent al Universitatii din Suffolk iar pe langa cariera de solist in The Red Chord detine o companie de management muzical. Fed Through...
The Red Chord au un nou tobosar
Tobosarul Mike Justian a parasit din nou grupul The Red Chord. Formatia a emis urmatorul comunicat: 'Vechiul nostru prieten Mike Justian a parasit formatia. Despartirea este una amiabila si ii uram lui Mike mult succes! Noul nostru tobosar este Jon Rice (Job For A Cowboy) alaturi de care vom...
Urmariti noul videoclip The Red Chord, Demoralizer
Noul videoclip semnat The Red Chord, intitulat Demoralizer, extras dep e albumul Fed Through The Teeth Machine, poate fi urmarit pe METALHEAD accesand link-ul de mai jos. Videoclip The Red Chord - Demoralizer In alta ordine de idei, THe Red Chord vor porni in turneu european alaturi de Aborted,...
Aborted si The Red Chord in turneu european
Aborted au anuntat datele unui nou turneu european alaturi de The Red Chord, Rotten Sound si Those Who Lie Beneath. Turneul este programat pentru perioada aprilie/mai, datele si locatiile fiind urmatoarele: 16.04.10 Denmark Copenhagen @ Pumpehuset 17.04.10 Germany Essen @ Turock 18.04.10 UK London @...
The Red Chord filmeaza un nou videoclip
Formatia the RED CHORD va filma in data de 31 octombrie un nou videoclip pentru piesa Demoralizer alaturi de regizorul David Brodsky, acelasi care s-a ocupat si de precedentul videoclip Dread Prevailed. Demoralizer este extrasa de pe Fed Through The Teeth Machine , cel mai nou...
Videoclipuri The Red Chord
Top Versuri The Red Chord
Hospice Residence
Tread On The Necks Of Kings
Like A Train Through A Pigeon
Dread Prevailed
Open Eyed Beast Attack
Fixation On Plastics
Send The Death Storm
Intelligence Has Been Compromised
Bone Needle
Black Santa
It Runs The Family
Midas Touch
Film Critiques And Militia Men
Breed The Cancer
Upper Decker
L Formation
Dragon Wagon
That Certain Special Ugly
Lay The Tarp
He Was Stretching, And Then He Climbed Up There
He Was Dead When I Got There
It Came From Over There
Dreaming In Dog Years
Sixteen Bit Fingerprint
Love On The Concrete
Pray For Eyes
Blue Line Cretin
Hour Of Rats
Ingest The Ash
Floating Through The Vein
Tales Of Martyrs And Disappearing Acts
Hymns And Crippled Anthems
Embarrassment Legacy