Type O Negative
Biografie Type O Negative
Type O Negative s-au format in Brooklyn, New York, in anul 1990. Se numara printre primele trupe care au abordat cu succes genurile doom si gothic, folosind des clape, sound distorsionat de chitara si voce cu timbru jos. Teme cum ar fi depresia, iubirea, moartea au fost tratate intr-o maniera specifica, ironica adeseori. Primul EP al formatiei Fallout, din care facea parte Peter Steele , viitorul solist Type O Negative, pe numele sau adevarat Peter Ratajczyk, apare in 1981, intitulat Batteries Not Included. Fallout se destrama in scurt timp, iar Steele infiinteaza trupa Carnivore. Acestia abordeaza teme precum rasismul, violenta, misoginismul, in timp ce genul muzical se incadreaza undeva la interferenta dintre speed metal, hardcore si punk. Dupa lansarea celui de-al doilea album intitulat Retaliation, Carnivore se despart, iar Steele se angajeaza in administratia parcurilor din New York. In 1989, impreuna cu Sal Abruscato, Kenny Hickey si Josh Silver infiinteaza Type O......Toata biografia Type O Negative
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Stiri cu Type O Negative
EYE AM trupa formata din fosti membri TYPE O NEGATIVE si CROWBAR lanseaza un nou single, intitulat 'Cryptomnesia'
EYE AM, noua trupa formata din fosti membri TYPE O NEGATIVE - Kenny Hickey (chitara/voce) si Johnny Kelly (tobe), impreuna cu Kirk Windstein (chitara, voce; de la CROWBAR, DOWN, KINGDOM OF SORROW) si Todd Strange (CROWBAR, DOWN), a lansat cel de-al doilea single, „Cryptomnesia”, prin Corpse Paint Records....
Trivium a facut un cover dupa o piesa Type O Negative
Trivium a oferit o interpretare proprie uneia dintre cele mai cunoscute piese semnate Type O Negative. Este vorba de 'I Don't Wanna Be Me'. Iata ce au declarat: "We did the Type O Negative cover just for fun, to have a bonus track or just have something useful for whatever, and...
Piesa 'Out Of Fire' de la Type O Negative a fost compusa pentru un wrestler
Cand vine vorba de WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment), majoritatea pieselor pe care isi fac intrarea luptatorii sunt compuse de Jim Johnston, dar unii wrestleri au preferat sa colaboreze cu artisti ai scenei rock si metal. Saliva a compus piesa pentru Batista, Killswitch Engage pentru CM Punk...
4 ani fara Peter Steele
Data de 14 aprilie, 2014 a marcat comemorarea a patru ani de la moartea lui Peter Steele, emblema grupului american Type O Negative. Peter Thomas Ratakczyk s-a nascut in data de 4 ianuarie, 1962 si este cunoscut drept solistul, basistul si compozitorul formatiei Type O Negative. Ca frontman al formatiei,...
Peter Steele ar fi implinit astazi 52 de ani
Peter Steele, emblema grupului american Type O Negative, ar fi implinit astazi varsta de 52 de ani. Peter Thomas Ratakczyk s-a nascut in data de 4 ianuarie, 1962 si este cunoscut drept solistul, basistul si compozitorul formatiei Type O Negative. Ca frontman al formatiei, Steele s-a remarcat prin statura...
Videoclipuri Type O Negative
- Type O Negative - Black No. 1
- Type O Negative - Love You To Death
- Type O Negative - Christian Woman
- Type O Negative - Everything Dies
- Type O Negative - Wolf Moon
- Type O Negative - Cinnamon Girl
- Type O Negative - In Praise of Bacchus
- Type O Negative - We Hate Everyone
- Type O Negative - Are You Afraid
- Type O Negative - My Girlfriend's Girlfriend
- Type O Negative - I Don't Wanna Be Me
Top Versuri Type O Negative
Christian Woman
September Sun
09. Black No. 1 (Little Miss Scare-All)
01. Christian Woman
15. The Dream Is Dead
Kill All The White People
10. In Praise of Bacchus
03. Love You to Death
13. Wolf Moon [Including Zoanthropic Paranoia]
14. Stay Out of My Dreams [#]
Can't Lose You
13. Anesthesia
15. [Untitled]
06. Red Water (Christmas Mourning)
09. Everything Dies
09. Burnt Flowers Fallen
06. Black Sabbath (From the Satanic Perspective)
11. Everything Dies
11. Cinnamon Girl
03. Black No. 1 (Little Miss Scare-All) [#]
09. Nettie
14. Drunk in Paris
03. Too Late: Frozen
03. Less Than Zero (<0)
04. Be My Druidess
05. I Like Goils
02. Bloody Kisses (A Death in the Family)
03. Sinus
My Girlfriend's Girlfriend
08. 12 Black Rainbows
12. Cinnamon Girl [Depressed Mode Mix]
08. Die With Me
08. Creepy Green Light
13. Unsuccessfully Coping With the Natural Beauty of Infidelity
01. Thir13teen
Suspended In Dusk
08. Life Is Killing Me
My Girlfriend's Girlfriend (Cheese Organ Mix)
11. Iydkmigthtky (Gimme That)
01. Skip It
02. Everyone I Love Is Dead [#]
06. ...A Dish Best Served Coldly
These Three Things
02. White Slavery
07. World Coming Down
11. Pyretta Blaze
I Don't Wanna Be Me
07. Gravitational Constant
01. The Misinterpretation of Silence and Its Disastrous Consequences [Wombs an]
02. [Untitled]
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Type O Negative
- Love You To Death Tab
- Angel Chords
- Nettie Bass Tab
- Wolf Moon Bass Tab
- Cinnamon Girl Bass Tab
- Black No 1 Bass Tab
- Summer Breeze Bass Tab
- We Hate Everyone Tab
- Black No 1 (ver2) Bass Tab
- Die With Me Tab
- All Hallows Eve Bass Tab
- Summer Breeze (ver5) Tab
- Wolf Moon Tab
- Summer Breeze (ver4) Tab
- Xero Tolerance Bass Tab
- Gravitational Constant Bass Tab
- Paranoid Tab
- My Girlfriends Girlfriend Tab
- Creepy Green Light Tab
- My Girlfriends Girlfriend Bass Tab
- Green Man Tab
- Christian Woman Tab
- September Sun Tab
- Be My Druidess Bass Tab
- Angry Inch Bass Tab
- In Praise Of Bacchus Tab
- I Like Goils Bass Tab
- Christan Wonan Tab
- 12 Black Rainbows Intro Tab
- Bloody Kisses Tab
- Kill You Tonight Bass Tab
- Summer Breeze (ver2) Tab
- Blood And Fire Tab
- Iydkmigthtky Gimme That Tab
- Summer Breeze Tab
- We Were Electrocute Solo Tab
- Who Will Save The Sane Tab
- World Coming Down Bass Tab
- Too Late Frozen Bass Tab
- Are You Afraid Tab
- Anesthesia Tab
- The Profit Of Doom Tab
- Paranoid Bass Tab
- Too Late Frozen Tab
- The Glorious Liberation Tab
- Nettie Tab
- Christian Women Bass Tab
- Wolf Moon (ver2) Bass Tab
- Cinnamon Girl Tab
- Less Than 0 Intro Tab