ALICE COOPER isi relanseaza emisiunea radio, acum denumita: 'Alice's Attic'

de Cristi Nedelcu

ALICE COOPER isi relanseaza emisiunea radio, acum denumita: 'Alice's Attic'

Alice Cooper, membru al Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, isi relanseaza emisiunea de radio cu un nou nume si un nou partener. „Alice's Attic” va fi acum difuzata prin Superadio.

Alice Cooper va lucra cu aceeasi echipa de creatie de la emisiunea sa de radio „Nights With Alice Cooper” o emisiune ce a fost celebra la vremea sa, iar noul program de radio va prezenta un amestec curat de rock clasic dar si dark, cu povestile si comentariile lui Cooper despre muzica si artistii despre care va discuta.

Emisiunile vor fi difuzate timp de cinci ore de luni pana joi, cu emisiuni reconfigurate in weekend. Posturile de radio locale din SUA si Australia difuzeaza deja emisiunea si emisiunea se va lansa curand si in Canada si Regatul Unit, posibil si in alte state.

Alice a declarat: "To all of my insane radio minions, I'm BACK. And if you thought 20 years of 'Nights With Alice Cooper' was weird, just wait until you get into 'Alice's Attic'! Just think about who or what could be lurking in all these dusty old boxes. We've got the same team behind the new show and so you'll find the show fairly familiar, but we're all looking forward to getting a little more creative with introducing new elements to keep things from getting stale. Speaking of stale… what IS that smell??!"

In august anul trecut, s-a anuntat ca emisiunea „Nights With Alice Cooper” se apropie de sfarsit. Ultima emisie in timpul saptamanii a fost pe 8 septembrie 2023.

„Nights With Alice Cooper” a debutat in ianuarie 2004 la radioul 93,3 KDKB Phoenix, inainte de a se muta la Classic Rock 100.7 KSLX. Printre celelalte posturi de difuzare a emisiunii s-au numarat KGGO Des Moines, WMMQ Lansing, KOZZ Reno, WEZX Scranton si KLPX Tucson, pe langa posturile locale din Australia si Regatul Unit.

EVP/Programming United Stations, Andy Denemark, a confirmat finalul emisiunii pentru Radio+Television Business Report. Decizia de a incheia programul popular ar fi fost legata de vanzarea retelei de radio United Stations catre GeminiXIII, iar noua conducere planuia sa duca programele intr-o directie diferita.

O sursa a declarat la Radio+Television Business Report la acea vreme ca Alice Cooper nu se retrage sau nu renunta la radio si ca decizia de a incheia emisiunea a fost fortata de o schimbare de directie a conducerii United Stations Radio Network.

In 2012, Alice a reflectat la nasterea emisiunii sale de radio in timp ce plangea moartea lui Dick Clark: "I used to come home from elementary school to watch 'American Bandstand'," a scris pe social media. "It had all the new songs, all the new dances, and it had the happiest guy in the world presenting them to you. I had no idea that later in my career I would know Dick Clark on a professional level. I ran into him some years ago, and he said to me, 'Hey, Coop, if you had your own radio show, what would it be like?' I told him it would be more like the freeform FM stations of the '60s, where the DJs actually played what they liked and demographics didn't play a role. He said, 'Alice, why don't you do it then?' Just like that, my radio show, 'Nights With Alice Cooper', was born."

2024 va fi un an plin pentru Alice Cooper, deoarece artistul are multe turnee internationale programate. El va fi plecat in Australia in aprilie si in Europa in iunie si iulie. In plus, Cooper se va intoarce in SUA pentru un turneu cu Rob Zombie, pe parcursul acestei veri.

Cel de-al 29-lea album al lui Cooper, „Road”, este deja lansat si disponibil online prin earMUSIC si se poate asculta mai jos.

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