Alice Cooper va lansa un album cu membrii proiectului original

de Andreea Gherfi

Alice Cooper va lansa un album cu membrii proiectului original

Dupa atatea despartiri muzicale pe care ni le-a adus 2016, au inceput, in sfarsit, sa vina si vestile bune. Desi nici o stire nu poate fi mai tare decat cea cu reuniunea membrilor Misfits, iata ca putem sa mai bifam fericiti inca o impacare colectiva deoarece Alice Cooper a reusit sa reuneasca membrii din vechiul proiect 'Alice Cooper Band' si sa-i puna la treaba.

Impreuna cu vechii lui tovarasi si colegi de scena, Alice Cooper planuieste sa lanseze un album inpirat din sound-ul albumului 'Killer' lansat in 1971.

"I've always liked the idea that Alice Cooper has always been a Detroit rock band. We've always been a hard rock band, guitar rock, and I'll never give that up," Cooper said. "But every once in a while, though, there's just a flavor of what album do we want to go to here to give it that flavor. And it seems to be going toward the 'Killer' album. And I kind of go, that album, let's revisit the sound of that album and what we were kind of thinking. You can never go back and totally recapture it, but you can certainly look at the elements that made that album work the way it did.

I wrote three or four songs with Alice Cooper Band drummer Neil Smith and guitarist Mike Bruce. And so we worked together in Phoenix for about two weeks just writing songs and demoing songs. And you never know which ones are going to make the album, but I said let's do that.

Dennis Dunaway [bassist in the Alice Cooper Band] wrote two or three things. We haven't seen those yet, but I know Dennis has always written great stuff. It's fun to go back and work with guys you haven't worked with in a while. It's not trying to recapture your youth. It's trying to recapture a sound. And it's a very elusive sound."

You know, when you get to this point, the hardest part is picking the songs because you've got thirty albums to go to," he said. "There are theatrical hits and then there are the radio hits also, the ones people hear on the radio. Then there are things they want to see like 'Feed My Frankenstein' and 'Dwight Fry' and songs like that that are almost like essential because you've got to see the guillotine.

You've got to see the straight jacket. You've got to see the insane nurse. We're actually taking some excerpts out of 'Welcome To My Nightmare' from 1975 because we haven't done some of that stuff in a while and we're putting it back in the show. I just said we haven't done that in a while. Let's put that in. So it's a fun show. It's always a fun show." a declarat Alice Cooper

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