Amon Amarth: Jomsviking a fost initial un scenariu de film

de Andreea Gherfi

Amon Amarth: Jomsviking a fost initial un scenariu de film

Doi dintre membrii trupei suedeze Amon Amarth, Olavi Mikkonen si Johan Soderberg au marturisit intr-un interviu pentru Kaaos TV ca povestea din spatele noului lor album de studio, "Jomsviking", a fost conceputa initial ca un scenariu de film. "Jomsviking" a fost lansat pe 25 martie via Metal Blade Records.

"Johan the singer, he wrote this movie script. So we saw the whole thing as a movie. So we basically took the movie script and cut it into ten pieces. And then we, like, 'All right, this is one song. This is one song.' And then we started to work against that. We had already ideas for, let's say, five or six songs that we easy to match in where they fit musically. But then we had a lot of gaps where we had a really aggressive lyric but we didn't have any aggressive ideas. So we just had to work towards making aggressive ideas. That's something we'd never done in the past. In the past, we always whatever we had and then we made lyrics that fit the song. So now we had to fit the lyrics. And that was really cool; I think it was exciting. And I think that's the album that we've been bouncing ideas back and forth the most as a band unit."

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