In curand iese noul album Avenged Sevenfold

de Cristi Nedelcu

In curand iese noul album Avenged Sevenfold

Potrivit unui tweet al vocalistului M. Shadows, acesta se afla in prezent in studio cu producatorul Joe Barresi (care a lucrat cu trupa la albumul lor din 2016 The Stage) inregistrand vocea cu un invitat special. Noul album Avenged Sevenfold va fi primul lor de la The Stage si este in productie deja de ceva timp.

Avenged Sevenfold a inregistrat recent toate partile orchestrale pentru noul lor album. Tobosarul Brooks Wackerman si vocalistul M. Shadows au oferit cateva fotografii ale sesiunilor la acea vreme, Wackerman adaugand ca scopul noului album este „sa nu semene cu nimic din ce am lansat vreodata!”. Avenged Sevenfold a facut cunoscut faptul ca o parte din motivul pentru care nu au putut finaliza munca la noul lor album in timpul pandemiei a fost pentru ca nu au putut introduce in siguranta o orchestra intreaga intr-o camera.

Shadows a spus anterior ca trupa intentioneaza sa trimita la mix albumul, in august, la Andy Wallace (Slayer, Sepultura, Faith No More) urmand ca acesta sa apara fie la sfarsitul lui 2022, fie la inceputul lui 2023. ”Status is interesting. We recorded an album, you know, a few years ago. We haven't finished it yet. We kind of took some time off for family, COVID, weird touring circumstances, some changes within our team… And we are still currently with one record left on Warner Brothers Records. We'll be finishing that record up – I think we have May locked out [for when] our producer can get back to work on it, and then we're going to mix with Andy Wallace in August. And then we're going to figure out if it's the first quarter, or fourth quarter, or what we're going to do. So, the status is that, and then we're going to be booking tours, put the tickets on sale when the record comes out, and the whole nine yards”.

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