The Dillinger Escape Plan au fost implicati intr-un accident rutier

de Andreea Gherfi

The Dillinger Escape Plan au fost implicati intr-un accident rutier

Membrii formatiei The Dillinger Escape Plan au fost implicati intr-un accident rutier in urma caruia apoximativ 13 persoane au ajuns la spital.

Formatia, care sustine in Europa turneul de adio, se indrepta catre Cracovia unde aveau sa cante pentru publicul polonez cel mai recent album al lor, cand un camion a lovit din plin una dintre partile laterale ale autobuzului in care se aflau si membrii ai staff-ului. Din fericire, nu exista persoane ranite grav insa o parte dintre cei implicati in accident au fost dusi la spital pentru verificari amanuntite.

Odata cu vestea noului album, The Dillinger Escape Plan au anuntat ca vor sustine anul acesta ultimul turneu in formula care i-a consacrat. Anul trecut, in luna septembrie, formatia a postat pe facebook urmatorul mesaj:

"The end is near party peoplllllllllllle. But not yet... not yet. So we had all of the fun getting up close and personal with some of you in the tiny saunas... I mean venues... that we played over the last couple of weeks. There was no better way we could've chosen to start the beginning of the end than by getting back in the van and getting down to the slimy nitty gritty with some of y'all in some of our favorite cities. Thanks to everyone who came out and screamed and sweat and bled with us and checked their f***s at the door. So invigorating to play such feral explosive small shows after being dormant for a while. Sad to know they will be our last shows in venues that small and intimate but very meaningful to say the least. Full body chills/goosebumps every night to see you all go into a frenzy and scream along to the end of Limerent Death so soon after we released it."

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