EYE AM trupa formata din fosti membri TYPE O NEGATIVE si CROWBAR lanseaza un nou single, intitulat 'Cryptomnesia'

de Cristi Nedelcu

EYE AM trupa formata din fosti membri TYPE O NEGATIVE si CROWBAR lanseaza un nou single, intitulat 'Cryptomnesia'

EYE AM, noua trupa formata din fosti membri Type O Negative - Kenny Hickey (chitara/voce) si Johnny Kelly (tobe), impreuna cu Kirk Windstein (chitara, voce; de la CROWBAR, DOWN, KINGDOM OF SORROW) si Todd Strange (CROWBAR, DOWN), a lansat cel de-al doilea single, „Cryptomnesia”, prin Corpse Paint Records. Videoclipul piesei a fost filmat si regizat de Mike Holderbeast la OCD Recording And Production.

Cu o intro moale, acustica care se zguduie in riff-uri de chitara puternice si voci care se topesc, „Cryptomnesia” se simte ca o palma totala in cel mai bun mod posibil. Cantecul se concentreaza in jurul mantrei „Si in bratele tale, imi laud viata. Si dupa moartea ta, iau inapoi ceea ce este al meu”.

Strange a spus despre piesa: "I think we're finding our sound as we go. And this is sounding more like EYE AM."

Kelly a adaugat: "The creative part is the fun part, that's been the fun part. It's become the song, to me, that identifies EYE AM. We're still finding ourselves, and it seems like this is where we are meant to be."

Windsteina declarat : "I really think 'Cryptomnesia' is a perfect example of a new band finding its own style and sound. I love [EYE AM's debut single] 'Dreams Always Die With The Sun', but we had a lot more time putting together 'Cryptomnesia', and the end result is awesome!!! The song is very hypnotic to me. I never get tired of hearing it, and that's a great thing."

Hickey a spus: "I feel that 'Cryptomnesia' is ambitious and really widens the pallet for EYE AM moving forward. It wasn't designed with that in mind; it just sort of grew from a central riff like any other song, but then just spread outward, eventually incorporating acoustic guitars, multiple lead guitar breaks and key changes. I think it came out quite powerful and we're really proud of it. Now we seem to have set a pretty high standard for ourselves and I feel like we're going to have to not just maintain it but keep pushing the envelope to see where it leads us. Discovering new sounds and taking risks go hand in hand. Sometimes it works and sometimes it hits the wall but it's always more interesting than taking the obvious route."

Acesta a completat: "I don't want our music to be one-dimensional. I don't want it to be just dark and doomy or always heavy. I want it to be both light and dark and dynamic and I think 'Cryptomnesia' really captures all of that. I really love the way it moves freely between opposing movements of heavy guitars and sudden melodic key changes and even acoustic segments. It's a moody song and it goes a lot of places in the five minutes or so it takes to play out. It feels more like a trip than a song to me. I don't get tired of listening to it."

Single-ul de debut al trupei EYE AM, „Dreams Always Die With The Sun”, a fost lansat in iunie prin Corpse Paint Records. Videoclipul piesei a fost filmat de Holderbeast la Joy Theatre din New Orleans, Louisiana.

„Dreams Always Die With The Sun” a fost scris de Hickey si Windstein si a fost inregistrat in februarie de catre bassistul Roger Lima din LESS THAN JAKE la studioul sau numit The Moathouse din Gainesville, Florida. Piesa a fost mixata si masterizata de Jay Ruston.

Vorbind cu Meltdown de la postul de radio WRIF din Detroit, Kelly a declarat despre modul in care EYE AM s-a reunit: "That was started with Andrew Spaulding. I met him; he was a merchandiser for DANZIG. And then TYPE O went on tour after that. We brought him out and he worked with TYPE O up until Peter [Steele, TYPE O NEGATIVE frontman] passed away. And we all remained good friends and stuff. And he started an indie label; he started a small little label. And he suggested putting me and Kenny together with Kirk Windstein and Todd Strange from CROWBAR. We've all been friends — I've known Kirk and Todd for, like, 30 years at this point. So we've always been friends and we've always crossed paths and hung out and this and that but never really had the opportunity to get in a room and play together. And Drew had it worked out. We all met in Florida. We got into a room, came up with that song, recorded it the next day, and that was it; it was done."

Potrivit lui Kelly, „Dreams Always Die With The Sun” a fost scris si inregistrat in mai putin de o zi: "Drew literally picked me up from the airport and drove me to rehearsal," a spus Kelly. "And the guys were in the room. And I just put my suitcase over to the side, set up the kit and we started working on the song. And then the next morning we went to the recording studio, tracked all the drums. And then I was on a plane. I don't know where I was going after that, but I had to leave right after we were done tracking; I think my flight was at six in the morning the next morning. So I was there just literally for a few hours."

Johnny a declarat despre melodie: "It's a cool song. I really wasn't sure what to expect. I guess the best way to compare it — on a different scale, of course — would be like Scott Weiland and VELVET REVOLVER [got together]. You take these people from these bands and you put 'em together and you have a certain expectation of it. Then you're not sure if it's gonna meet it, if it's exceeding it or if it falls way below. But I was pleasantly surprised at how easy it was and how much fun it was to work with everybody."

Pe langa munca lor cu TYPE O NEGATIVE, Hickey si Kelly au colaborat anterior intr-o trupa numita SEVENTH VOID, care a lansat un album intitulat „Heaven Is Gone”, in 2009, si SILVERTOMB, trupa cu care au lansat albumul „Edge Of Existence”. in 2019.

Intr-un interviu din 2018 pentru Rock And Roll Fables, Hickey a declarat despre chimia sa cu Kelly: "I've been working with Johnny long before TYPE O. I met Johnny probably in 1986. TYPE O formed in 1989, so we were already in a thrash band together. Basically, we grew up and learned everything the wrong way together and had to work it out over the course of the years. [Laughs] For me, it's completely natural with him. We got better at it. Dude, you do something for 35 years, I hope you're getting better at it."

Photo credit: Charles Dye Photography

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