Red Hot Chili Peppers vor transmite live concertul de la Piramidele din Giza

de Cristi Nedelcu

Red Hot Chili Peppers vor transmite live concertul de la Piramidele din Giza

Red Hot Chili Peppers vor sustine primul concert in Egipt pe data de 15 Martie. Locatia showului va fi in apropierea Piramidelor din Giza.

Tocmai din acest motiv artistii au decis ca intrecul concert sa fie transmis live pe site-ul lor.

Iata ce a declarat Flea despre aceasta experienta:

"Before each new place my body tingled with excitement, a yearning for a new mystery to unfold, a fascination with a new culture, the possibility of new friends, tasting new food, smelling new tastes, absorbing new rhythms. Learning. Learning. Learning. It is happening again right now, my heart is abuzz with joy at the prospect of performing in Egypt. I'm so grateful and humbled for the impending experience.

The pyramids, it's unbelievable, we just jumped at the opportunity... I have always been fascinated by Egypt and that region of the world and I am so excited to go."

Live streamingul va avea loc de la ora 2PM ET (11AM PT) AICI.

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