Cele mai proaste versuri din istoria rockului

de Buvnitz

Cele mai proaste versuri din istoria rockului

Jurnalistul Johnny Sharp a publicat o lista a celor mai proaste versuri din istoria muzicii rock. Steve Miller Band a adjudecat prima pozitie, in timp ce Bob Dylan si Def Leppard completeaza primele pozitii ale clasamentului.

Topul contine de asemenea versurile trupelor Snap, The Cranberries sau Billy Joel. Primele pozitii pot fi gasite mai jos:

4. Def Leppard: Pour Some Sugar on Me

"You got the peaches, I got the cream"

3. Bob Dylan: Ballad of a Thin Man

"Now you see this one-eyed midget shouting the word 'now'
And you say, for what reason? And he says, 'how?'
And you say, what does this mean? And he screams back, 'you're a cow'
Give me some milk or else go home."

2. America: Horse With No Name

"After nine days, I let the horse run free 'cos the desert had turned to sea. There were plants and birds and rocks and things ..."

1. Steve Miller Band: The Joker

"Really love your peaches wanna shake your tree. Lovey dovey lovey dovey lovey dovey all the time. Ooh yeah baby I'll sure show you a good time"

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